Fellowship Groups
How very good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in unity!
- Psalm 133:1

Chattering Crafters
This group of women meets for food, fellowship, and fun as they work on crafts such as knitting, crocheting, making cards, or whatever other craft they may have interest in. (Some of them don't actually "craft" at all, but just enjoy the good food and company--and that's fine too!) They meet from September through May at 9:30 am on the first and third Wednesdays of the month in the Fireside Room at the church, and each gathering begins with Morning Prayer.
Their handiwork, which goes beyond crafting to organizing and assembling care kits, Christmas Cookies for homebound members, and other outreach projects, benefits Lutheran World Relief, the Christmas Appeal, and other local organizations. They also occasionally venture out to visit with homebound parishioners or for a special luncheon at a local restaurant.

South Sudanese Community
In the 1990s, a large population of South Sudanese immigrants, beginning with the so-called "Lost Boys," came to Lynn to begin a new life, fleeing violence in their homeland. Many made First Lutheran Church their home away from home, even as other family members continued to immigrate and settle in the United States. While the community is now dispersed throughout New England, a strong South Sudanese population remains in Lynn, many of whom are active members of the congregation and serve in leadership. The community often come together for meals, fellowship, celebrations, and other community rites of passage.

Parents With Young Children
About once a month, parents with young children ("young" is for them to decide!) get together for companionship and support, and to talk about ways of instilling faith in their children at an early age. This group also helps plan outings that are kid-friendly throughout the year so that the bonds of friendship and trust between the children at church have a chance to grow outside of Sunday morning.