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Adult Formation

"The greatest gift we are asked to accept is the gift of living our lives reverently. We are assured that Jesus came not that we may have more prayers or more reading of the scriptures, or more pious devotions, or more of anything, but only "that we may have life and have it more abundantly.”

- Joseph F. Schmidt

Adult faith formation takes a few different forms at FLC. The days of hour-long "adult forums" on Sunday mornings no longer meet the needs and busy schedules of most people in our community. We understand the goal of faith formation at any age to be less about imparting knowledge and more about exploration, questions, growing relationships, and service to others. Our approach to adult formation reflects this.


From time to time, a group will gather to discuss a book, movie, or topic of interest. Rather than signing up for an entire year, these groups meet from about 4-6 weeks and require a small time committment. Recent topics have included the movie "Selma," the Lutheran reformation, a series on worship practices, and trying to find "sabbath" time for rest and renewal in the midst of our busy lives. Our next offering will be a two-part class on media literacy.


Many friendships and important conversations are had around the dinner table. When someone signs up to host a Table Talk Night, they choose the location, time, and topic. The meal can be potluck, ordered in, or prepared by the host. We check in with one another, share what's going on in our lives, and then enter into a time of reflection and conversation around the topic at hand -- or we choose provocative questions from a deck of cards that engage adult issues of faith and life. We end the evening with prayer and a blessing. It's a great way to meet new people and talk about faith in a very non-threatening setting.


Many adults find that the best way to engage their faith is simply through serving others. This is not simply "doing charity," but a way of being in relationship with the community and being transformed by the relationships developed with our neighbors. FLC members serve the Sunday meal monthly at My Brother's Table in Lynn, volunteer with local arts and cultural organizations, advocate for social justice through ECCO (Essex County Community Organization), keep up the building and grounds at church, and live out their faith in many other ways.


For those adults who are preparing to bring their children to be baptized, to receive first Holy Communion, to be confirmed, or for those who are preparing to be married, individual or group sessions are scheduled with the Pastor to talk through these life events and hopefully make them more meaningful.