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Worship Schedule

Sunday Schedule

9:30 am Sunday School (Temporarily on Hiatus)

A time for children to gather around the stories of our faith, sing and pray together, and nurture relationships with all ages. 

10:30 am The Holy Eucharist

Our weekly celebration of God's love and radical hospitality. We gather to hear the ancient stories proclaimed for our own day, sing songs of praise and thanksgiving, pray for the needs of the world, and feast on God's abundance in Holy Communion. We leave as forgiven and renewed people to serve others in Jesus' name.

11:45 am Coffee and Fellowship 

Stick around for something cold to drink (or hot coffee...) pastries and snacks, meet new friends, and catch up on each other's weeks.

Our worship strives to celebrate the musical treasures of many cultures and blends styles both ancient and modern, accompanied by organ, piano, guitar, and other instruments. The primary instrument in our worship is the human voice of the whole gathered assembly, led and enhanced by our Choir under the direction of accomplished composer and church musician David Greatrix.

Additional services are held during the seasons of Advent and Lent, and for Christian holy days, including Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, the Great Vigil of Easter, and Christmas Eve.